Sleep disorder refers to the conditions of inability of a person to sleep well on daily basis. It may be due to physical health issues or mental stress.
Common types of sleep disorders may be:
- Insomnia: difficulty to sleep or continuing a peaceful sleep throughout the night.
- Sleep apnea: is the abnormal patterns of breathing while sleeping.
- Restless leg Syndrome (RLS): refers to the movement disorder that causes disturbed sensation in moving legs while trying to sleep.
- Narcolepsy: is a situation that causes more sleepiness at day time and immediately falling asleep during day.
A person lack of sleep can’t be properly active or productive during work hours or even can’t be rested due to decreased amount of sleep and even bad quality of sleep. Here are some reasons to visit to a sleep disorder doctor Encino:
- Finding it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep during night.
- Feeling stressed or inactive during day even after a good sleep whole last night.
- Struggling for air to breath when you sleep.
Q: who is a sleep disorder doctor and what does he do?
A sleep disorder doctor is a specialist who deals with the problems of person’s sleep. He can be a psychologist or physician and every sleep problem should be consulted to its relevant doctor.
Every sleep disorder must be handled carefully and the treatment to it should be according to the conditions pertaining by the patient deprived of sleep.
The treatments provided by the sleep disorder doctor may include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy: is an approach to deal insomniac behavioral approaches that can involve medication or treated even without medicines.
- Sleep apnea mouth guards: as discussed above, sleep apnea is a serious condition of sleep depreciation that if left untreated can lead to stroke or heart diseases. These sleep apnea mouth guards not only mold patient’s mouth and teeth shape, but also prevent snoring.
In this current era of technologies, you may find sleep disorder doctor near you on just a click to access them and their services online.